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Focus on French Fantasy #1: "Le serment de l'orage" by Gabriel Katz (2019)

Hi Nerds!

This is Week 4 of Social Distancing in France, and I've just started knitting my 3rd sweater... It's time for a break!

After reading what I've found to be a mostly disappointing Prix Imaginales des Bibliothécaires shortlist (more on this soon), I've decided to go on the hunt for some good French Fantasy, with the means available to me at this time (i.e. e-books from my local library and free e-book offers).

Here's my first review:

Le serment de l’Orage

(Vol.1 of what is planned to be a trilogy)

Gabriël Katz

Paris : Bragelonne, 2019. 384 p.

"Big Bang" Collection (Young Adult)

A safe bet.


Morgien et Cynon are two young knights eager to prove themselves. After a tournament where they deliver a not-particularly-stellar performance, they manage to get themselves hired by Sire Edwin, freshly 'promoted' to Lord Edwin, and they leave with him to claim his land in the Highlands. But when they get there, someone is already occupying the castle. However, they come to understand that this is the least of their worries, as strange phenomena start to occur... Is the land cursed?

My review:

All the ingredients you’re looking for in a classic, efficient Fantasy novel: it is by no means groundbreaking and the narrative choices feel safe, but if you’re looking for something that hits all the landmarks of Medieval Fantasy, this is for you. [Edit: If I wanted to split hair, I might qualify this more as leaning towards Gothic-Fantastic than Fantasy.]

The world-building is solid enough and the medieval setting credible. The story is well-paced – with a beginning in medias res, decent action scenes, and enough suspense to make me read this in one sitting.​

No complain about the structure either: alternating storylines that end up merging at the end, which kept me interested.

The characters are mayyybe a bit one-note, but likeable nonetheless. I was particularly intrigued by the “Skand”, a Viking warrior who gives zero f’s and has no respect for anyone. I hope he comes back in volume 2!

As a Bretonne, though, I did have a hard time picturing the English as the “good guys” and Eirinn as the source of evil. Just saying. :-)

My recommandation: for readers aged 14+ (mentions of wartime sexual violence and one mention of prostitution + a villain who has not-so-nice dreams about sweet Dame Marie, but nothing too graphic).

Image by Damdamdidilolo, Wikipedia (fr).

Happy readin', stay safe & sane!

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